Ionic 4 HTTP CORS Issue

Ionic 4 is a major upgrade to previous version of Ionic. One of the primary differences between Ionic 4 and its previous incarnations is that Ionic 4 uses web components, which are custom HTML elements written using web standards (as opposed to using a slap-on framework such as Angular). Ionic …

Downloading & opening a file in an Ionic app

If you search the Internet for examples to achieve the above, you'll get a number of resources that suggest using the cordova-file-transfer plugin. However, with Ionic 3+ and its native API, you can do this directly using a mix of Angular and Ionic File API. Essentially, you need to use …

Cordova build errors

Had this unusual errors crop up when building a cordova app for android. This started appearing after I installed cordova-plugin-file-opener2. ERROR: In FontFamilyFont, unable to find attribute android:fontVariationSettings ERROR: In FontFamilyFont, unable to find attribute android:ttcIndex Going through [platforms/android/] file, I …

Token Based Authentication in a Cordova App

Any web based service that provides a mobile client requires some form of authentication before the user can access their permitted resources. The simplest approach is to require the user to enter their username and password for every session (or after the session expires). Simple to implement, but not the …