By default Pelican generation process results in a few files. Besides the site's homepage, a page each showing the list of articles, list of tags, list of categories and a page with a list of authors are produced. Some sites may want to suppress some of these files. For instance …
Localization Localization is provided via the i18n_subsites plugin. As mentioned before, localization is provided via the plugin i18n_subsites. This plugin employs jinja2.ext.i18n to achieve this. Localization works at two specific levels: Theme templates. Templates often contain hardcoded text and this needs to be localized. This is espcially the …
Recently I switched this website from Django to a static site. This article gives an overview of the core concepts of Pelican, covering areas that are not directly captured in the official docs. This is written primarily to solidify my own understanding and also act as a reference for myself …