How to programmatically emulate Appple special keys such as media navigation & power keys

Media keys along with some other keys are not handled through the standard apple keyboard event subsystem. They are treated differently, and therefore emulating them from software requires special code (EventTap won't work!). Here's a function that does this: void HIDPostAuxKey(uint32_t key, bool down) { @autoreleasepool { NSEvent* ev = [NSEvent otherEventWithType …

Set/get volume in OS X

How to get/set master volume in OS X. Many sample codes online use the deprecated API. This uses the currently 'legal' API. #include #include #include #include #include static AudioDeviceID getDefaultOutputDeviceID() { AudioDeviceID outputDeviceID = kAudioObjectUnknown; // get …

How to view kernel logs in OS X

How to view kernel logs is OS X You can use the command line tool log for this. This command accepts a predicate argument that can be used to , well build predicates, that when evaluates to true, the log message will be printed. It takes a command argument that decides …